The Earth Beyond Borders and Divide

Life, is surely more than what we are lead to believe?
A journey is only really a journey if you’re moving.
Perhaps we are asleep now, and the real story has yet to be written… Or maybe we just need to take the reins and get writing.

Perhaps we are nothing at all really, nothing permanent, stuck or still or eternal. Perhaps we are passing beauties, a miracle of life’s mystery, living in hope of transformation as we swirl and blow endlessly across the waves of time. Nothing but sand and stars.

I’ve never really been one to sit back and experience this world through the lens of another… I’m always seeking, always searching, always waiting for the revelations of a deeper purpose to our being. Always finding new ways to be alive in a realm split between progress and decay.

I will forever be changed by these days, scarred in some ways, enriched, and deeply moved by this greater experience of the planet, of us, the people… the earth beyond borders and divide… I have been revealed a different way to be, to live and breathe; a new way to share, and a new faith in the potential of humanity. There isn’t a going back from there. I think you either open yourself up to evolution or you remain the same.

How is it that while all things lie seemingly in chaos the life of this one becomes scene upon scene of perfect poetry? It is as if a great divide has happened on the levels of soul and skin: one sees no edges or distance, the other knows only boundaries, a need to cocoon and defend. To some, through the eyes of the soul, all things are akin to the glimmering quality of starlight, the colour of wind, the formality of tide and flame.

IS there is a secret to all this? Or is this just the bounty of one willing to let go, to leave everything behind, cling only to hope, and step through the imperceptible door of possibility? Perhaps the true gift lies in the honouring of the soul above all else. I hope one day my tale will be some kind testimony to this, if nothing else… somebody, even just one, may look up and wonder.

It’s never easy… and it never gets easier… letting go is an eternal battle… one I must face time and time again… but the miracle of being thrust into the darkness is that you learn very quickly how to find the light.

Just some words that came to me recently…
Video and pictures from 2020/2021.

With love, JDC x


  1. Wow… once again, your words and photography are incredible, serving both as a balm for my soul and as an impetus to live fully and well. Thank you for including us on your journey.

  2. James, your posts and thoughts are soulful. We are not “nothing”. We are “everything”. It is through our consciousness that we experience the world. Search for who you are and experience life as an observer.

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